##To create a 3D Web site do the following: ####1) Build it. ####2) Go to the File menu and choose "Make a 3D Web Site". This will create a package with all the necessary Html pages. ####3) Upload this package to your Web site. Link the index.htm and you are ready to surf in your 3D Web site. Thats all it takes ! ##To create a 3D Web site do the following: ####1) Build it. ####2) Go to the File menu and choose "Make a 3D Web Site". This will create a package with all the necessary Html pages. ####3) Upload this package to your Web site. Link the index.htm and you are ready to surf in your 3D Web site. Thats all it takes ! ####If you want to learn how to build 3D Web sites with the 3D Webmaker, choose Help/Tutorials. ####We will be glad if you visit our site: www.northdragon.com, for downloading new models, samples and tools.####We also invite you to add some of your creations to our Gallery. ####Note the small triangle on the lower right corner of the tool buttons: click on it to view more tools.####You can customize the location of your toolbars by simply clicking and dragging the tools to the desired location. The new location will remain the default location upon opening the 3D Webmaker. ####On the left side of the application there is a tab control. Click the blue cube icon to view the model gallery.####You can drag any one of the models from the gallery into one of the view windows. ####It is recommended that you explore all the buttons and the tool bars,read the tutorials before starting your 3D Web site project. ####During the process of building your 3D Web site it is recommended that you save your world quite often.####From the file menu choose save. Use the WLD file format. ####To launch your World in viewer mode press the "Launch Viewer Mode" tool button. ####To distribute your World choose File/Release... and save it to any new empty folder.##You can then launch Viewer.exe from that folder. ####If your bitmaps don't appear in your World, it is usually because the bitmap directory is not located under the World file. ####Click on the 'Distance Between Views' icons, as many times as you want, to increase or decrease the distance between the three views. ####You might want to do this to get a selected object visible in all 3 views (front, top and right). ####Select the 'Object Moving Tool' icon, then right click on the polygon you want to delete, and choose 'Delete Polygon' from the popup menu (SHIFT + Del). ####(This will not ungroup the model.)